Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Update and Screen Shots

Creating the arrow, was easy enough. The shaft was created using a cylinder, the quills using a square. To add the angle on the quills, I needed to extrude on face and then expand it out at an angle. These where then copied and distributed in a row. These rows themselves where then copied again and placed where the needed to be to get the standard three areas of quills of an arrow. They where then colored, 2 red and one white ( to allow the archer to know what quill faces out.)

The arrow head was created using a pyramid polygon primitive. It was flatten and stretched out a bit to make it more of an arrow shape. To make the are look more organic, I first used extrude on the back face and pulled it out ( the part that connects to the shaft). Did this a few times making it smaller each time. After I got it to where I wanted it, I used the Smooth command to make it look less ridged, and more like a hand craved arrow head.

To add to the look of the arrow, I added a butt to it with notches, so the bow string can have something to grip onto when pulling the arrow back. this was done with a rectangle, and extruding a small portion, then coping and reversing to get to even sides. I then attached them to a small cylinder and placed ot at the back end of the arrow.

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