Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Animating the Midterm

Now that the main components are complete it is time to animate. You may be asking wheres the target. That was just a simple square primitive placed at the end of the field. I did run into one problem though. I couldn't figure out why my image of a target wouldn't map to the surface correctly. This is something that I will eventually figure out, but I ran out of time to deal with this small problem, so I just made a circle primitive and placed it on the square.

I started out at frame 1 with the arrow up taught and ready to go. I then set a few key frames pulling the arrow and string back to fully taught the arrow and bow. It holds for a moment and then launches into the target. This was done but a few key frames, one at the point where the arrow is ready and then one at the end in the target. Using a few more key frames and adjusting the angle I made the around move up and done.

I have two videos, same thing, just different camera angles.

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