Tuesday, March 23, 2010

The Bow

Creating the bow was a tricky task. I going into it had to idea how I was going to make it. To be blunt I pretty much went in winging it. So I though what is the basic shape of a bow? It is just a bent cylinder, right? So I went ahead and created a cylinder. Now the hard part, making it bow, to turn it into a bow. with much fiddling around with different options I pressed the right click options, and on the pop up menu was Edge. I though well maybe this will actually let me grab portions of the cylinder. It did and I was able to select a portion of the top and bend it in, and the same on the bottom. The center portion, I selected and pulled out. This created a bow like object that I needed.

The string of the bow was created by using a 3 Part Arc. Started at the top end of the bow, one in the center and ended at the bottom. I then copied the curve and moved it slightly next to the original. The two curves where lofted together, and the origin curves deleted. It its very difficult to see the string in the picture, nut I assure you it is there.

To add another touch to the bow, I made a loft for the arrow to be placed on, so the archer has easy support keeping the arrow steady. It was made with a simple square primitive.

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