Monday, May 3, 2010

Final - building the project.

To start off this project, I started with the missile. It was a few simple shapes, grouped together. A cone, and a couple cylinders. The back part, the engine was extruded in.

The ground was created using two CV curves and then a planar surface on the two. I re sized it, and used a select by component to distort and change the terrain of the ground. Using a desert texture found on google, I mapped the image to the surface.

The mushroom cloud was a long process to create. To start off I used a CV cure and created a basic outline of the cloud shape. The curve was then revolved to create the basic shape. Resizing, and using select by component I reshaped the cloud at various locations on the timeline, setting a key frame at each significant change.
I used a cloud texture, and changed the colors of it on the object, to give the explosion a more realistic look.
Also applied a fire particle effect to the cloud, making it diminish as the cloud died out. On top of this I used a fluid effect, creating a 3d box around the cloud. I resized the box with the cloud to keep the effect contained.

Next, a large nurbs sphere was created surrounding everything. A cloudy night sky image was applied to the material to created a more realistic background, and finishing the setting.

Lastly, was the camera work. I used a camera, aim and up, moving to a desired location and setting a key frame. To make the video seem more dynamic I had zooms and pan ins/outs, and swooped it around and under the explosion.

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